Nolan School Gap Analysis
Question 1 of 6:
Procurement Strategy

In your opinion, what is the fundamental difference between a Request for Tender (RFQ) Tender and an Invitation to Offer (ITO) Tender? An ITO Tender is sometimes called a Requestion for Proposal (RFP) Tender. Do not exceed 100 words.
Answer this question on your Word template.
In preparing a Tender by limited invitation for resellers of mining equipment, where there are dozens of resellers, provide a rational justification for constraining the invitation to a few specific Suppliers. Do not exceed 100 words.
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As a public sector Procurement officer, your Client asks you to prepare an approach to one Supplier to conduct a 1-year, USD $100,000 software trial. Aside from an external risk of questionable fairness to other Suppliers, what is an internal risk in not approaching the Market? Do not exceed 100 words.
Answer this question on your Word template.