Nolan School Gap Analysis
Question 3 of 6:
​A Government Department of Innovation and Technology wishes to undertake a competitive sourcing process. The objective of the sourcing activity is to onboard an Artificial Intelligence-enabled platform to rationalise the agency’s many Approval, Procurement, and Project process workflows and templates. A budget for a three-year Software as a Service contract, including implementation, licensing, and support, is approved for AUD $850,000. The chosen Procurement Strategy is a Tender based predominantly on capability and less on price, to be issued to three capable regional Suppliers.
To assist its Project staff, Procurement first undertakes a medium value Tender to onboard a subject matter expert professional service to help develop appropriate functional requirements and assist in evaluation and technical contract drafting. Owing to the low dollar value of $20,000, in accordance with Procurement Strategy, the professional services Tender is issued to one capable Supplier, Discomplexiti Pty Ltd (fictitious ), to provide the Project with these expert services.
Three days before the Tender is released, Discomplexiti approaches their Client’s Chief Executive Officer asking to be invited to the bigger Tender. The Supplier argues that owing to their depth of understanding of Requirements, and that they have developed an application which they would be willing to massively discount to less than $30,000 per annum inclusive of implementation and support if the Department would allow them to bid. In addition to their value argument, they propose to erect a “Chinese Wall” between their professional services and tender response teams to provide a degree of separation, for probity purposes.
As the Principal Procurement Officer, you are invited to a discussion with the CEO, who doesn’t see the probity issues are sufficient to prohibit the Supplier from tendering. After all, there is no guarantee that the other three Suppliers will provide value for money.
What is your response to the CEO?
Concisely explain the Probity issue in 50 words or less.​​
Do you fully support, support with conditions, or not support allowing Discomplexiti to tender?
Choose an option:
(A) Fully support allowing Discomplexiti to tender.
(B) Support allowing Discomplexiti to tender but with conditions.
(C) Not support allowing Discomplexiti to tender.
Explain your choice in no more than 100 words.
Answer this question on your Word template.